I have an eclectic way of providing therapy. It is WHOLE-istic, in the sense that my offerings contribute to the overall biological, psychological, sociological, and spiritual well-being of a person. My aim is to provide a relaxed, yet engaging experience, that is tailored to each person. You are welcome to choose whichever combination you like, and can change it up at any time.
Options for counselling setting:

Inside this renovated vintage travel trailer is a cozy spot to enjoy some tea and therapeutic talk

Enjoy the convenience of attending a virtual session, over a privacy compliant platform from your phone or laptop - without having to commute anywhere!

Walk and Talk
Let's breathe in some fresh air, and feel the gentle breeze and ground beneath us, as we walk through one of the local regional parks of your choice
Options for treatment modality:

Traditional Talk Therapy

EMDR Trauma Processing
During a session, you may need to temporarily pause to help clear some heaviness, or want a little boost to re-energize. I offer two activities that have therapeutic benefits:

Grounding breathwork and stretching
Doing some grounding breathwork slows things down and helps you to notice what our body does. Also, by stretching you can loosen muscles you've begun to naturally tighten while talking about and remembering past experiences.

Self-expression through art
Using art to do some self-expression, you are able to tap into your subconscious. Maybe you do not have the words or even explicit memories for a discussion, but you can use some art mediums (paint, crayons, clay, etc.) to help you let your feelings out.
** please note, the intention of these activities is not to distract from what you are feeling, but rather provide time and space to fully engage with any internal shift happening.